
1. Why leukoreduction is needed when transfusion?

Just like human, blood type crossmatch can greatly increase and ensure the compatibility of blood between donor and recipient canine or feline. However, when blood transfusion is execution, donor white blood cell will be transfused to the recipient and maybe induce a series of immune responses such as fever, vomiting and purpura.

In addition to the immune response of blood recipients during blood transfusion, small animal transfusion therapy also includes other risks such as parasites, infections, etc.


In human blood transfusion medicine, remove white blood cell has become a norm. Studies also proved that the donor white blood cells are a non-functional blood pollutant for most blood recipients.

Studies have proved that the number of leukocytes is in association with the syndrome of transfusion reactions. 

Most of the side effects are found when leukocytes are more than 10^6 in one unit. 

Please find below for more details: 

All blood products contain white blood cells, and the number of white blood cells varies according to the type of blood products.

A medical retrospective review indicated that,

- Approximately 15% had occurred adverse reaction, of the 935 blood transfusion records recorded for 558 dogs,

- About 6.3% of transfusion reactions occurred on 246 feline transfusion records recorded for 133 cats.


In the above transfusion reactions, the most common transfusion reaction is fever, followed by vomiting, and even a small number of cases of shock death. In order to reduce the risk of blood transfusion, antihistamines are often used to reduce the risk of allergies. However, other complications caused by drugs and subsequent transfusion reactions also produce corresponding care and costs.


The study also pointed out that the transfusion reaction has nothing to do with the age, sex or drug administration before the blood transfusion, and is related to the blood species. Therefore, some veterinary blood banks have used a leukoreduction filter to reduce the occurrence of FNHTRs.


5. Bruce, et. al., Effect of premedication and other factors on the occurrence of acute transfusion reactions in dogs. J. Vet. Emerg. Crit. Care. 2015, 25(5): 620-630.


• 防止或降低急性、延遲性輸血引起之免疫反應
• 降低輸血後引起之CRP(犬)、SAA(貓)指標提升,引起多重器官損傷並發症
• 防止輸血引起之非溶血性發熱
• 防止血液製品微聚體引起之立即或遲發性輸血性栓篩 (Embolism)
• 防止心絲蟲幼蟲透過血液傳播



3.可以用人類醫療用減白濾器過濾嗎? 珍貴熱血別白費!

目前市面上還沒有小動物專用過濾器時,部分獸醫會選擇使用人類專用的白血球過濾器,白血球的去除效率上雖可符合預期,但過濾器的血液耗損量高達 40-50 mL!以現行動物血庫捐血標準,狗狗單次最多捐 250 mL、貓咪單次捐血約 50 mL,如果使用人類用減白過濾器,等於將近五分之一的血液白白被浪費掉。更重要的是,目前國內動物尚未普及建置血庫,大多數血液的捐贈來源還是來自於飼主間的互相幫忙,每一滴血液都得來不易,非常珍貴,如果仍繼續使用人類用的減白過濾器,將會浪費掉許多珍貴的血液。

使用PuriVet®專為小動物設計的減白過濾器,每250 mL 最多僅耗損 20 mL,擁有最好的白血球去除率及血液回收效率,讓每滴寶貴的血液,真正流入毛寶貝的身體裡。

1.輸血治療 – 為什麼小動物輸血需要減白?






2.可以用人類醫療用減白濾器過濾嗎? 珍貴熱血別白費!

目前市面上還沒有小動物專用過濾器時,部分獸醫會選擇使用人類專用的白血球過濾器,白血球的去除效率上雖可符合預期,但過濾器的血液耗損量高達 40-50 mL!以現行動物血庫捐血標準,狗狗單次最多捐 250 mL、貓咪單次捐血約 50 mL,如果使用人類用減白過濾器,等於將近五分之一的血液白白被浪費掉。更重要的是,目前國內動物尚未普及建置血庫,大多數血液的捐贈來源還是來自於飼主間的互相幫忙,每一滴血液都得來不易,非常珍貴,如果仍繼續使用人類用的減白過濾器,將會浪費掉許多珍貴的血液。

使用PuriVet®專為小動物設計的減白過濾器,每250 mL 最多僅耗損 20 mL,擁有最好的白血球去除率及血液回收效率,讓每滴寶貴的血液,真正流入毛寶貝的身體裡。

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